Banos, A., Vives, L., Martel, C., Hessek, E. & Williams, K. (2024). Lorsque le contrôle des migrations prend le pas sur la sauvegarde de la vie en mer : l’émergence des frontières dans la zone de responsabilité SAR espagnole. Criminologie, 57(2), 27–55.
Vives, L. (2020) Unaccompanied migrant children in the US and Europe: Towards a global border regime? International Migration 58(6): 29-44.
Topak, O. & Vives, L. (2020) A comparative analysis of migration control strategies along the Western and Eastern Mediterranean routes: Sovereign interventions through militarization and deportation. Migration Studies, 8(1): 66-89.
Vives, L. (2017) Unwanted sea migrants across the EU border: the Canary Islands. Political Geography, 61: 181-192.
Vives, L. & Vázquez Silva, I. (2017) Migration and transnational mothering: the Senegalese experience. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(3): 495-512.
Vives, L., Banos, A., Martel, C., Hessek, E., Williams, K. (2024, online first) Maritime SAR systems in the EU: Convergence and co-optation into the anti-immigration border. Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Côté-Boucher, K., Vives, L. and *Jannard, L.P. (2023) Chronicle of a ‘crisis’ foretold: Asylum Seekers and the Case of Roxham Road on the Canada-US Border. Environment and Planning C, 41(2): 408-426.
Vives, L. (2021) Death at sea: The dismantling of non-militarized Search and rescue approaches in the Southern European border. Geopolitics.
Vives, L. & Sinha, V. (2020, translation) Discriminación en el acceso a los servicios de salud pública de las Primeras Naciones en Canadá: el caso de Pinaymootang. In Lois, M. and Akkaya, A. (eds.) Las luchas por la descolonización en el siglo XXI: experiencias más allá de Europa. Madrid: La Catarata. ISBN 9788413520605
Vives, L. & Mohabir, N. (2020) Postcolonialism. In: Kobayashi, A. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition. vol. 10, Elsevier, pp. 289–295.
Vives, L. & Sinha, V. (2019) The Discrimination of First Nations Children with Special Healthcare Needs in Canada: A Case Study. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 10(1) (29 pages).
Vives, L. (2017) The EU - West African sea border: anti-immigration strategies and territoriality. European Journal of Urban and Regional Studies, 24(2): 209-224.
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